Numerous complaints about speeding on east Columbia road prompt speed hump proposal

hanover blvd at hidden creek ct (003)
This is east Columbia’s Hanover Boulevard bus stop, near the Hanover Village apartments (May 4, 2024 photo courtesy of Columbia Public Works spokesman John Ogan)

Columbia’s city council will take your testimony this evening on a plan to build eight speed humps on a residential street where motorists are frequently driving 50 miles per hour.

Columbia public works wants to construct the speed humps on Hanover Boulevard, between Clark lane at Dollar General and Rice road. The city’s three-page council report cites the street’s proximity to schools along with speed and volume of vehicles. Columbia Public Works says the majority of residents who attended a February interested parties meeting support the speed humps. One of them would be built at Hanover and Hidden Creek court, while another would be built on Hanover near Olympic boulevard. Another would be built near Hanover and North Charleston circle.

The $32,000 project would be paid for with annual traffic calming funds.

Columbia Public Works dashcam video recorded on Saturday morning at 11 shows a motorist in a sedan passing another vehicle in a “no pass area” with a posted 30 mile per hour speed limit, just seconds before the driver being passed was about to make a left turn. You can watch that 20-second video here.

Tonight’s council meeting begins at 7 at city hall.