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(AUDIO): About 1,600 volunteers have already signed up for the ForColumbia event

Volunteers from ForColumbia help an underprivileged resident with a project in 2022 (file photo courtesy of the ForColumbia website)

Today is the final day for you to register to volunteer for the April 29th ForColumbia event.

Columbia businesswoman Shelly Mayer tells 939 the Eagle’s “CEO Roundtable” that 45 churches and about 1,600 volunteers will be in the Columbia-area that day, doing 102 projects.

“We’re building a wheelchair ramp for a young woman who lost both of her legs in the last few years, diabetes complications. We are re-roofing and residing another home that the city actually referred to us as someone that they know,” Mayer says.

Mayer tells listeners that person is a wheelchair-bound older resident. Volunteers will also do landscaping at the homes of Columbia foster families.

Socket Internet co-owner Carson Coffman tells 939 the Eagle’s “CEO Roundtable” that he remembers meeting a widow who lived on Columbia’s Fourth street, during a previous year’s event. The woman had a deteriorating deck.

“It was kind of a ragtag group of people that showed up. A couple of different contractor guys showed up and the next thing you know there’s materials flying, the decks completely removed from the house and she was just so excited,” Coffman says.

Mr. Coffman tells listeners that volunteers will do 102 projects on Saturday the 29. The Chinese Christian Church of Columbia, Midway Heights Baptist Church, St. Paul AME, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church and the Korean Baptist Church are some of the 45 churches that will participate.

You can listen to host Fred Parry’s full interview about ForColumbia on our website.