(AUDIO): Boone County’s clerk says voting is steady this morning

By Zimmer Communications
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boone county clerk brianna lennon
Boone County clerk Brianna Lennon assists voters with absentee voting at the Columbia Mall on March 26, 2023 (file photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth)

Boone County’s clerk is forecasting a 25 to 30 percent voter turnout for today’s primary election.

Absentee voting has been strong, with more than 300 casting ballots on Monday and Friday’s high of 320 voters. Clerk Brianna Lennon tells 939 the Eagle that she doesn’t believe these are new voters:

“My interpretation from it is that people are choosing to come and vote no excuse. These are not necessarily new voters or voters that wouldn’t have voted. They’re just voters that were already going to turn out but are choosing to take the convenient option of voting no-excuse,” Lennon says.

Polls opened this morning statewide at 6 and remain open until 7 pm. County clerk Lennon reminds you to bring a photo ID with you to the polls today:

“They can bring a Missouri driver’s license, a U.S. passport or a military ID or a Missouri non-driver’s license,” says Lennon.

Clerk Lennon tells 939 the Eagle that if you don’t have one of these IDs, you can still cast a provisional ballot which will be counted as long as the signature on your provisional envelope matches the signature on your voter registration record.

The clerk is encouraging residents who have COVID or another illness to do what’s called curbside voting today. County clerk Lennon says her staff can assist those who are ill:

“So if you can get to the Boone County government center, we are happy to curbside vote you. You stay in your car, we will bring out all of the ballot and information for you. You can vote and then you’ll have that taken care of,” says Lennon.

Clerk Lennon also says your polling locations can offer curbside voting. She also reminds you that if you have a problem voting today, call (573) 886-4375 from your polling place.