Columbia’s city manager is working on his upcoming state of the city address. This will be De’Carlon Seewood’s second state of the city.
“So hopefully sometime either the last week in May or the first week in June we’ll do that. And so it will be a highlight of the things that we were able to accomplish this year and our plans for what we’re going to go into the future,” Mr. Seewood says.
One of Mr. Seewood’s top priorities has been compensation and retention of city staff. He’s expected to address that. Other topics that will likely come up are public safety and trash collection.
City manager Seewood is also looking forward to working with new Council members Nick Knoth and Donald Waterman.
“When people dedicate their time to join a board like this, it’s a lot of work and I think they’re up to the challenge so … it’s exciting,” says Seewood.
Councilmen Knoth and Waterman were sworn-in on Friday afternoon. Their first meeting was last night.