(AUDIO): Missouri celebrates National Agriculture Week

By Zimmer Communications
parson and director chinn
parson and director chinn
Missouri Governor Mike Parson and state Department of Agriculture director Chris Chinn (right) pose after the governor signs a proclamation recognizing National Agriculture Week in Missouri (March 21, 2023 photo courtesy of the Governor Parson’s Flickr page)

Missouri’s lieutenant governor says agriculture is critical to the state’s economy. Jefferson City Republican Mike Kehoe notes the governor has signed a proclamation recognizing National Agriculture Week in Missouri.

“If people could only understand, when they go in that grocery store and they get a product off of the shelf or out of the cooler case … what it all took to get there, they’d be amazed,” Kehoe says.

Kehoe tells 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri” that agriculture is Missouri’s largest industry, with a $93-billion economic impact. You can hear the full interview with the lieutenant governor here on our  939 the Eagle Facebook page.