Boone County’s clerk is forecasting a 25 to 30 percent voter turnout for Tuesday

By Zimmer Communications
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boone county clerk brianna lennon
Boone County clerk Brianna Lennon assists voters with absentee voting at the Columbia Mall on March 26, 2023 (file photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth)

Strong voter interest in Missouri’s GOP and Democratic gubernatorial primaries and in other races has been driving absentee voting.

Boone County clerk Brianna Lennon is predicting a 25 to 30 percent voter turnout for tomorrow’s primary election. Clerk Lennon says 320 registered voters cast absentee ballots on Friday, which is a high. She says another 148 voters cast absentee ballots on Saturday at the Roger Wilson Boone County Government Center in downtown Columbia, while 156 voters cast ballots at the Ashland library on Saturday. 43 voted absentee on Saturday in Centralia.

Polls are open statewide Tuesday from 6 am until 7 pm. 939 the Eagle will have live election night coverage, starting tomorrow night at 7.