Businessman and former inmate Josh Smith to deliver keynote at Missouri Governor’s prayer breakfast on Wednesday

By Brian Hauswirth
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Hundreds of people, including numerous state lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, are expected to attend Wednesday morning’s 2025 Governor’s prayer breakfast in Jefferson City.

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New Missouri Governor Mike Kehoe (right) takes the oath of office from former U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt in Jefferson City (January 13, 2025 photo courtesy of Tim Bommel at House Communications)

The event at the Capitol Plaza Hotel is hosted by new GOP Governor Mike Kehoe, and the theme this year is “Someone on my side.” The breakfast is an annual faith-based event for all Missouri leaders and citizens, with the purpose of seeking God’s guidance for state government leaders at the start of the legislative session.

Fourth Purpose founder Josh Smith will deliver the keynote address. Mr. Smith’s biography says he grew up with a single mother and was removed from the home at age 11 due to abuse and was convicted of ten felonies by the time he was 16. His biography says he served time in federal prison for cocaine and marijuana trafficking. His company now has more than 180 employees, and he’s an outspoken advocate for programs that provide hope, training and reentry support for prisoners and their families.

The Helias high school choir will provide special music this morning, and House Speaker Jonathan Patterson (R-Lee’s Summit) and Senate President Pro Tem Cindy O’Laughlin (R-Shelbina) will read scriptures. The Jefferson City Police Department will present the colors at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, and Channel 13 KRCG sports director Rod Smith will preside. Guests will be seated at 7:10 am, with breakfast served at 7:30 and adjournment at 9 am. The breakfast normally draws more than 600 people.

New Governor Kehoe asked residents for their continued prayers and support during Monday’s inaugural address, saying there is a lot of work that needs to be done. He also talked about growing up with his single mother Lorraine, who has passed away. He had five brothers and sisters. Governor Kehoe describes his mother as a caring, loving person, adding that he used her bible to take the oath of office from former U.S. Senator Roy Blunt.