Columbia plans a transit job fair on Saturday at the Wabash station

By Brian Hauswirth
go como green route bus returns to wabash station near east broadway and locust street (002)

Mid-Missourians who are interested in being a bus driver or a paratransit driver have an opportunity Saturday to interview for positions and to complete an application.

go como riders board the black and green route buses jan. 22 2025 (002)
Go COMO riders board the bus in Columbia on January 22, 2025 (photo courtesy of Columbia Public Works spokesman John Ogan)

The city of Columbia will host a transit job fair Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm at the Wabash bus station on North 10th street. The city says employment information and on-site interviews for full-time and temporary bus drivers and for full-time paratransit van drivers will be offered. Go COMO representatives will be there. The interviews will begin at 10:30 am and will be held every 45 minutes.

Columbia Public Works spokesman John Ogan tells 939 the Eagle that Go COMO is currently short ten full-time drivers. Mr. Ogan says Go COMO has 26 full-time and three part-time drivers.