Columbia water rates would increase in October, under city manager’s proposed budget

By Zimmer Communications
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Columbia city manager De’Carlon Seewood (2023 file photo courtesy of city spokeswoman Sydney Olsen)

Columbia’s city council will hold a public hearing this evening on city manager De’Carlon Seewood’s proposed water rate increases.

Mr. Seewood outlined the proposal during his recent budget address, and city finance director Matthew Lue tells reporters that water bills for residents and businesses would increase by about four percent in October, if the council approves the plan. Columbia Water and Light says the average residential customer would see an increase of about a $1.89 per month, under the proposal.

Mr. Seewood and Columbia’s Water and Light Advisory Board proposed the increase to maintain adequate cash reserves and to meet the utility’s debt coverage requirements. The city council has the final say on the issue. Click here to read Water and Light and Mr. Seewood’s four-page report to the council.

Mr. Seewood says providing safe, reliable and affordable water remains a priority for the city. Columbia Water and Light serves more than 51,000 customers, and the sale of water is a major source of revenue for the department.