Columbia’s first higher education institution celebrating 190 years today

By Zimmer Communications
stephens college flowers

The nation’s second-oldest women’s college is celebrating its 190th birthday today, and you’re invited to their party this afternoon.

Columbia’s historic Stephens College is celebrating today, and the city will be presenting an official proclamation designating today as Stephens College day. Stephens was the first higher education institution in Columbia.

Today’s party is from 4:30 to 5:30 at Wood hall. Columbia’s Chamber of Commerce will hold a 5:05 ribbon-cutting, and the cake will be cut at 5:10.

Longtime Stephens president Dianne Lynch describes Stephens as resilient and optimistic, faithful to her traditions and eager to embrace the future. Lynch is getting ready to start her 15th year as president.

She told 939 the Eagle’s “CEO Roundtable” recently that there are currently 500 veterans on a waiting list to get a service animal.  She says Stephens is seriously looking at a program to train service animals.