Missouri’s 2023 legislative session is underway in Jefferson City. Both chambers gaveled-in at noon on Wednesday, per the state Constitution.
Republicans have supermajorities in both chambers: 111-52 in the Missouri House and 24-10 in the Senate. State senators have unanimously elected State Sen. Caleb Rowden (R-Columbia) as Senate President Pro Tem. State Rep. Dean Plocher (R-Des Peres) has been elected as the new Missouri House Speaker.
Rowden had been serving as Senate Majority Leader. The Pro Tem chairs the powerful Senate Gubernatorial Appointments Committee, and selects committee chairs. One of Rowden’s priorities is initiative petition reform.
Freshmen State Reps. Adrian Plank and Kathy Steinhoff (D-Columbia) were sworn-in on Wednesday, as was newly-elected State Sen. Travis Fitzwater (R-Holts Summit).