COVID cases increasing in Columbia/Boone County

By Brian Hauswirth
phhs building (003)

Columbia health officials say Boone County is currently seeing a a spike in COVID cases.

phhs building (003)
Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services is located on West Worley (2021 file photo courtesy of department spokeswoman Sara Humm)

Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services spokesman Austin Krohn tells 939 the Eagle that Boone County has 126 COVID cases as of September 7, which are the latest numbers. Krohn encourages you to contact your preferred pharmacy and health care providers to get both the updated COVID vaccine and the flu vaccine.  

Krohn says Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services received their flu vaccines on Friday, so you can call the clinic to set up a flu vaccine appointment. That phone number is (573) 874-7249.

The health department is still waiting on their COVID vaccines.