CPS attendance and math scores to be highlighted by superintendent tonight

By Zimmer Communications
parson and yearwood
parson and yearwood
Missouri Governor Mike Parson (left) and CPS Superintendent Dr. Brian Yearwood discuss special session issues at the Columbia’s Farmers Market on August 25, 2022 (file photo courtesy of the governor’s Flickr page)

Columbia’s school board will hear a report this evening from the superintendent about the recent state annual performance review.

Columbia Public Schools (CPS) Superintendent Dr. Brian Yearwood tells 939 the Eagle that attendance issues contributed to CPS scoring 70 percent on the review. Dr. Yearwood says attendance is down since COVID and emphasizes that the district is increasing visits to homes and is also making more phone calls. He says CPS is also doing celebrations for students who attend class at least 90 percent of the time.

Dr. Yearwood will also address math in tonight’s report. He says that nationally, school districts have been impacted in math scores after COVID. CPS is expanding its tutoring opportunities in math.

Dr. Yearwood will also highlight positives in the report. He says the number of CPS students receiving advanced credit is high and that the district received nearly all available points in the area of continuous improvement, which is a newly-designated area.