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GoCOMO expected to remain fare-free for fourth straight year

gocomo bus
A GoCOMO bus operates in downtown Columbia in 2022 (file photo courtesy of Columbia Public Works spokesman John Ogan)

Columbia’s city council is set to vote tonight on a proposal to suspend transportation fares for GoCOMO bus riders for the fourth straight year.

GoCOMO has been operating fare-free since the March 2020 COVID emergency declaration. For the past two years, the city council approved GoCOMO remaining fare-free by using federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money and federal CARES Act funding. Those dollars have been expended.

Under the two-page plan before the city council tonight, Columbia would use current transportation sales tax (TST) funding and a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) operating grant to provide the money to keep GoCOMO fare-free.

Tonight’s council meeting begins at 7.