(LISTEN): American Red Cross aims for 860 daily units at Mizzou’s annual Greek Week blood drive

By Brian Hauswirth
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While there is a blood shortage now due to winter weather cancelling several drives, the American Red Cross praises the big turnout for Monday’s opening day of the 34th annual Greek Week blood drive at Mizzou.

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American Red Cross of Central and Northern Missouri executive director Rebecca Gordon (right) and Mizzou senior Lily Mattingly of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority visit at the start of Monday’s 34th annual Mizzou Greek Week blood drive at the Mizzou Student Rec complex in Columbia (March 10, 2025 photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth)

American Red Cross of Central and Northern Missouri executive director Rebecca Gordon is appreciative:

“I can’t commend the University of Missouri students enough. This drive really reflects the population here of not only the University but the communities that we serve at the American Red Cross,” Ms. Gordon says.

Ms. Gordon says the positive impact the blood drive has had on those who rely on blood products is immeasurable.

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There was a big turnout for Monday’s opening day of the 34th annual Greek Week blood drive at Mizzou’s Student Rec complex (March 10, 2025 photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth)

Mizzou sorority and fraternity members, other college students and the community have been rolling up their sleeves and donating blood at the event. It began Monday and continues today and Wednesday from 10 to 5 at the Mizzou Student Rec complex. Director Gordon encourages you to donate blood, telling 939 the Eagle that you don’t have to fast:

“We want them to eat. Get a good meal, drink plenty of fluids. Come in, feel well. Come in and donate blood,” says Gordon.

Director Gordon says the goal each day is 860 units. The American Red Cross is also performing free A1C testing on successful donations. You’ll see several hundred Mizzou sorority and fraternity members again Tuesday and Wednesday at the blood drive. One of the organizers is Mizzou senior Lily Mattingly of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She tells 939 the Eagle that it’s special, adding that Greek week is service-focused:

“You know I really don’t know many other people at other colleges that do stuff like this. And that continue to donate blood long-term. I know that’s changed me. I donate every eight weeks now,” Ms. Mattingly says.

Mattingly also notes her sorority has been collecting canned food for the hungry and is also raising money for Mizzou’s Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment.