(LISTEN): Boone County clerk Brianna Lennon discusses Boone County presidential caucus information on “Wake Up Mid-Missouri”

By Zimmer Communications
boone county clerk brianna lennon

Boone County clerk Brianna Lennon has outlined presidential caucus information for the Boone County Republican Party, the Boone County Democratic Party and the Boone County Libertarian Party on her website. Counselor Lennon joined us live on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri”. She tells listeners that the political parties in Missouri will administer their own presidential preference selection process. Clerk Lennon tells listeners that Boone County Republicans will caucus at 10 am on March 2, 2024 at the Family Worship Center on East Boone Femme Church road in Columbia. She says the Boone County Democrats’ selection process includes mail-in voting and in-person voting. Boone County Democrats will host in-person voting on March 23, 2024 from 8 am to noon at a location to be determined. Boone County Libertarians can participate in their state convention on February 24, 2024, Counselor Lennon says: