(LISTEN): Boone County’s new 911 director starts Monday morning

By Zimmer Communications
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Christie Davis begins her job as Boone County director of Joint Communications on Monday June 10 (photo courtesy of the Boone County Commission)

Boone County’s presiding commissioner is praising new Joint Communications director Christie Davis, who begins her new position this morning.

Ms. Davis has been serving as the executive director of the Sumner County Emergency Communications Center in Sumner County, Tennessee. Boone County Presiding Commissioner Kip Kendrick tells 939 the Eagle’s “CEO Roundtable” that Ms. Davis has 17 years of experience in police, fire and medical emergency communications, management and training.

“And what I think is great about it, she came up through the ranks. She started out in Alabama dispatching for a police department and then went to Tuscaloosa. Quality control and training coordinator, rose to the level of deputy director and then eventually got the executive director position,” Kendrick says.

Commissioner Kendrick tells listeners that she’ll be joining a wonderful team of dedicated public servants at Boone County Joint Communications. Ms. Davis earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Alabama.

Click here to listen to host Fred Parry’s full interview with Commissioner Kendrick on 939 the Eagle’s “CEO Roundtable” program.