(LISTEN): Columbia home improvement store and Toys for Tots collecting toys for needy children

By Zimmer Communications
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A different view of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots collection box at the front of the Columbia Menards home improvement store (November 2023 photo courtesy of Columbia Menards general manager Obi Agusiobo)

Columbia’s Menards home improvement store on Vandiver is teaming up with the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves’ Toys for Tots program to collect new toys for underprivileged children in our community.

Columbia Menards general manager Obi Agusiobo says the collection box is available at the store through November 30.

“We have a box near the exit doors and we’re collecting new and unwrapped toys for the less fortunate kids in our community,” Agusiobo says.

Mr. Agusiobo describes Toys for Tots as a wonderful program. All of the toys and presents that are collected will be distributed by a non-profit organization in the Columbia area. Mid-Missouri’s less fortunate children will be surprised with a new toy on Christmas morning, thanks to the generosity of shoppers and employees at the Menards. Mr. Agusiobo tells 939 the Eagle that his employees have also been purchasing toys for the collection box.

“Our team members as well that work here, you know some of us have kids and some of us have nieces and nephews. So we all understand what a joy it brings to a child to have a brand-new toy to unwrap this holiday,” Mr. Agusiobo says.

All of the presents will be distributed before Christmas morning.