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(LISTEN): Columbia Police Officers Association president Matt Nichols discusses ice storm and Knoth recall on “Wake Up Mid-Missouri”

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The Missouri State Highway Patrol says mid-Missouri roads remain treacherous this morning, and they’re urging you to stay off the road. Columbia Police are also urging you to slow down, saying hazardous driving conditions have caused them to implement the delayed crash report protocol. Columbia Police Officers Association (CPOA) president Matt Nichols joined us live on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri”. Mr. Nichols discusses CPD’s delayed crash report protocol and also weighed in on efforts to recall Columbia first ward councilman Nick Knoth. It’s been 33 years since a Columbia city council member was recalled. Recall organizers say Knoth’s job as a lobbyist with the Missouri Realtors is a conflict of interest with his elected position. Councilman Knoth disputes that, as does the CPOA. CPOA president Matt Nichols is urging listeners to vote no on the recall, saying Councilman Knoth is being targeted by those who support defunding and abolishing the police: