This past week was one of the bloodiest in Columbia in recent memory, with two separate murders, two other victims suffering gunshot wounds and at least five shots fired calls. Friday’s shooting near south Columbia’s Bethel prompted Columbia Public Schools (CPS) to lockdown. The violence was a major topic of discussion this morning on 939 the Eagle’s “CEO Roundtable”. Host Fred Parry’s guest was longtime Columbia business leader, banker, attorney and radio personality Bob Roper. Columbia Police are currently 37 officers short. Mr. Parry blasted Columbia Mayor Barbara Buffaloe on the program, saying he wishes she would spend half of the time “she spends at climate conferences on law and order.” A frustrated Parry tells listeners that the Columbia city council’s priorities are “out of whack.” Mr. Roper agrees and says the council focuses on too many other issues like homelessness. Roper says resident surveys year after year show that the top priorities for residents are public safety and street and sidewalks. Fred also discussed this week’s large drug bust on Columbia’s Meadow lane, saying federal DEA agents are involved after 51 pounds of meth were discovered. Mr. Parry and Mr. Roper also discussed numerous other topics, including realtor Rhonda Carlson’s testimony at this week’s council meeting about property owners being billed to clean up homeless camps. They also discussed the recall election that Columbia first ward councilman Nick Knoth is facing and the Columbia Public Schools (CPS) school board race. It’s been more than 33 years since a Columbia city council member was recalled. The last time it happened was in 1990, when then-Councilman Chester Edwards was recalled due to his support for the Colonies development near Forum Boulevard: