(LISTEN): Missouri Attorney General Bailey discusses Columbia’s LGBTQ ordinance and SAPA on “Wake Up Mid-Missouri”

By Zimmer Communications

Columbia’s city council heard three hours of emotional testimony on Monday evening before voting 6-1 to approve a four-page ordinance expressing support for the LGBTQ community and declaring the city a safe haven for free speech and expression. Residents were literally lined up out the door to testify at city hall. Supporters, including a number of college students, say this is a life-saving measure and is about basic human decency. Opponents like a Columbia grandmother named Bonnie told the council they’re worried about their children and grandchildren in restrooms. The proposal says that the city of Columbia “recognizes the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion when it comes to being a competitive employer, building a strong local economy and enriching the community to be better than the sum of its parts, as well as recognizing LGBTQ people have long contributed to the rich history and social fabric or Columbia and this country.” A new state law bans gender-affirming health care treatments. The new ordinance directs city staff to decline any enforcement of those laws, or if unable to be declined for any reason, “will be the lowest priority within the city.” Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey joined us live on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri” and blasted Columbia’ city council for the vote. He says local governments cannot deprioritize enforcement of state law. General Bailey tells listeners that the new ordinance says the city of Columbia says it’s okay to mutilate children: