(LISTEN): Missouri Governor Parson discusses Thanksgiving, Cole County prayer breakfast and 2024 session on “Wake Up Mid-Missouri”

By Zimmer Communications
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More than 250 people packed Missouri Farm Bureau headquarters in Jefferson City this morning to hear Governor Mike Parson deliver the keynote at the Cole County prayer breakfast. The governor emphasized faith and told the audience that Cole County remains strong. Governor Parson joined us live this morning on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri” just before his keynote. He tells listeners that he receives letters from Missourians telling him they are praying for him. He also discussed the importance of faith. We also asked the governor about his executive order closing state offices on the day after Thanksgiving. Governor Parson tells listeners that he appreciates state employees and that they’ve been underpaid for a long time, due to politics. He says they deserve the day off. Most of Jefferson City’s 14,000 state employees will be off on Friday, because of the governor’s order. Governor Parson also discussed Missouri’s 2024 session, which starts on January 3 in Jefferson City. The governor is not hopeful of major legislation passing, noting 2024 is an election year and that many state lawmakers are running for higher office. The governor would like to see what he calls initiative petition reform pass in early January: