(LISTEN): Missouri Senate Majority Leader Cindy O’Laughlin (R-Shelbina) appears on “Wake Up Mid-Missouri”

By Zimmer Communications
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The “Missouri Times” honored Missouri Senate Majority Leader Cindy O’Laughlin (R-Shelbina) as its 2024 stateswoman of the year last night. 939 the Eagle’s Randy Tobler reports there was a packed house at the Missouri Farm Bureau in Jefferson City, with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. Senator O’Laughlin joined us live on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri” and says she appreciates the award. She says leaders must be willing to listen to anyone, adding that doesn’t mean they’ll agree with them. Majority Leader O’Laughlin tells listeners that the Senate will likely go to an education bill today and confirms she’s working on a compromise with both sides of the controversial Kansas City-area landfill. Senator O’Laughlin tells listeners the education lobby is the largest lobby in Jefferson City, describing it as “massive.” She says they often tell rural lawmakers in both the Missouri Senate and Missouri House that if they won’t be re-elected, if they vote for school choice. Leader O’Laughlin disagrees with that, noting she campaigned on school choice during her 2018 Senate campaign in northeast Missouri and was re-elected in 2022. She tells listeners that Missouri lawmakers should listen to people in their districts, rather than to lobbyists in Jefferson City. 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth also asked Senator O’Laughlin about Missouri Governor Mike Parson’s decision to commute Britt Reid’s sentence. Senator O’Laughlin tells listeners she is not going to second-guess the governor and says it is a controversial issue. She also says Governor Parson is prepared to deal with ramifications, when he makes difficult decisions: