The University of Missouri has serious concerns about legislation that would repeal the law that says Mizzou is the exclusive grantor of degrees like medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law and engineering.
The repeal bill, which is Senate Bill 11, has been approved by the Senate Education committee. Mizzou vice provost Dr. Jim Spain joined us live on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Missouri”:
“The question really is what’s the educational need and how is it best for Missouri public higher education to accomplish the educational needs of Missouri citizens,” Dr. Spain tells listeners.
He says Mizzou is focused on student success. He outlined additional concerns during the live interview:
“We’re concerned that the public resources that the state of Missouri and Missourians are investing in public higher education would not be best, the best return would not be received by what this bill is proposing,” says Dr. Spain.
Repeal supporters include Mizzou donor Tom Strong, who graduated from Mizzou’s School of Law. Strong told “Wake Up” this week that Southeast Missouri State would love to have an engineering school and that high school students in southeast Missouri who pursue engineering degrees leave Missouri for other states. Mr. Strong also says Missouri State in Springfield would love to have an engineering program and a veterinary school.
You can listen to the full “Wake Up” interview with Mizzou vice provost Dr. Jim Spain here.