Mid-Missouri, including Columbia, under flood watch through 3 pm

By Brian Hauswirth
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Columbia, Jefferson City, Moberly, Boonville, Sedalia and much of the 939 the Eagle mid-Missouri listening area are under a flood watch through 3 o’clock this afternoon.

There is currently heavy rain falling in Columbia, Ashland and Boonville.

National Weather Service (NWS) St. Louis meteorologist Chris Kimble tells 939 the Eagle that two to four inches of rain are possible today in central Missouri. The NWS says some localized areas could see six inches of rain. Multiple rounds of showers and storms are expected today: you’ll need to keep your umbrella with you. Mr. Kimble notes there are no warnings at this time.

The NWS in St. Louis says severe thunderstorms, including hail and damaging wind, are possible tomorrow. Keep your radio tuned to 939 the Eagle for updated forecast information.