Missouri’s governor to sign I-70 legislation next week in Columbia

By Zimmer Communications
smith and hough
smith and hough
Missouri House Budget Committee chair Cody Smith (R-Carthage), middle, and Senate Appropriations Committee chair Sen. Lincoln Hough (R-Springfield), right, discuss Missouri’s I-70 expansion project during a May 3, 2023 legislative conference committee in Jefferson City (file photo courtesy of Tim Bommel at House Communications)

Missouri’s governor will travel to Columbia on Tuesday to sign legislation providing $2.8 billion in funding to expand and rebuild I-70 from Kansas City to St. Louis.

Columbia Mayor Barbara Buffaloe made the announcement about the ceremony during the Regional Economic Development Incorporated (REDI) board meeting at Columbia Mall. Business leaders, bankers, elected officials and citizens were in attendance.

Tuesday afternoon’s ceremony will take place at 2:30 at Moberly Area Community College’s (MACC) parking lot at Parkade Plaza, which is visible from I-70. MACC president Jeff Lashley was also at the REDI board meeting, and says MACC is excited to host the event.

Columbia Chamber of Commerce president Matt McCormick tells 939 the Eagle that this is a generational project. Mr. McCormick says the Columbia to Kingdom City expansion will be the first phase done by the state Department of Transportation (MoDOT). Mr. McCormick says he appreciates Governor Parson for signing the bill and appreciates the Legislature for supporting it.