MO State HS Sports
This is one of the 15 pin oak trees around Mizzou's Francis Quadrangle that will be replaced starting May 18 (2022 photo courtesy of Mizzou spokesperson Uriah Orland)

Mizzou to replace oak trees on Quad that are causing safety issues

This is one of the 15 pin oak trees around Mizzou’s Francis Quadrangle that will be replaced starting May 18 (2022 photo courtesy of Mizzou spokesperson Uriah Orland)

Mizzou plans to replace 15 aging pin oak trees on the Francis Quadrangle in Columbia, saying they’re a potential safety hazard for pedestrians and buildings.

Mizzou will also plant legacy oaks. They say replacing the pin oak trees is critical to safety.

“For more than 70 years, the pin oak trees have stood guard and provided a beautiful backdrop for the Columns and historic buildings here,” Mizzou associate vice chancellor Michael Graves says, in a written statement. “However, these noble trees have reached the end of their natural lifespan and are a potential safety hazard to pedestrians and buildings. Replacing them is essential to the safety of our students, faculty, staff and visitors.”

Mizzou Botanic Garden board member Bill Ruppert says the Legacy Oaks project will ensure that students 200 years from now have the same experience as today.

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