Mizzou’s average freshman ACT score is 26.2; enrollment numbers increasing

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While we won’t have official numbers until later this semester, preliminary numbers show Mizzou’s total enrollment this fall is more than 31,000.

mu columns
Mizzou’s historic Columns are near Jesse Hall (2022 file photo courtesy of MU News Bureau senior editor Sara Diedrich)

Freshmen enrollment is about 6,000, an increase of 16 percent from a year ago. There are also more than 1,200 transfer students, according to Mizzou officials. That’s up seven percent from a year ago.

UM System President Dr. Mun Choi praises the statistics, saying Mizzou is thrilled to welcome so many exceptional students to Columbia. Mizzou is home to students from all 50 states and more than one hundred nations, and the average freshman ACT score of Mizzou students is 26.2, compared to the state average of 20.8.