Mizzou’s Columbia campus has remote operations on Wednesday; Stephens closed due to winter storm

By Brian Hauswirth
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The largest employer in Columbia/Boone County has shifted to remote operations Wednesday, due to the expected winter storm approaching the region.

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A drone view of Mizzou’s Jesse Hall in Columbia (2022 file photo courtesy of Mizzou spokesman Uriah Orland)

The Mizzou campus and the UM System office in Columbia are remote today. Mizzou spokesman Christopher Ave tells 939 the Eagle they sent out an alert to students, faculty and staff Tuesday night. The University of Missouri has more than 9,700 employees in Columbia/Boone County, according to 2024 statistics from Columbia Regional Economic Development Incorporated.

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Columbia College’s main campus is in Columbia (2022 file photo courtesy of Columbia College’s Sam Fleury)

The campus at Columbia’s Stephens College is closed today, as is Central Methodist University’s Columbia campus. Columbia College spokesman Sam Fleury says day and evening classes at Columbia College are virtual today, adding that Dulany dining hall is available for residential students.