Music and TAPS a key part of Monday’s Memorial Day ceremony in Columbia

By Zimmer Communications
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More than 600 American flags decorated the cemetery in mid-Missouri’s Centralia on Memorial Day. It’s an annual tradition in the Anchor City (May 27, 2024 photo from 939 the Eagle’s Jeff Ausmus)

The band director at Columbia Public Schools (CPS) performed TAPS at Monday’s Memorial Day wreath-laying ceremony at the Boone County Courthouse.

The Columbia Community Band also performed at the ceremony, and Gail Fitzgerald of the Boone County Fire Protection District’s pipe and drums performed Amazing Grace. Columbia’s American Legion Post 202 honor guard was also on-hand.

Meantime, there were approximately 600 American flags flying proudly at Centralia’s cemetery on Memorial Day. It’s an annual tradition, and the flags will be back up for the Fourth of July.