Several Columbia city services impacted by Labor Day holiday

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Today is Labor Day, which is a federal, Missouri, county and city holiday.

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Columbia’s Albert-Oakland family aquatic center is open on Labor Day from noon to 5 pm (2024 photo courtesy of Columbia spokeswoman Sydney Olsen)

Most federal, state, county and city offices are closed, except emergency services like police and fire protection and the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Banks and financial institutions are closed, and there will be no regular mail delivery. Labor Day is one of Missouri’s 13 state holidays, so most of Jefferson City’s 14,000 state employees have the day off.

Columbia city offices are closed today, and the city council meeting has been moved to Tuesday evening at 7 for the holiday. Residential curbside trash and recycling will not be collected today and will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week. Go COMO, which is Columbia’s bus system, is not operating today.

Columbia’s Albert-Oakland family aquatic center will be open today from noon to 5 pm.