Tuesday is Missouri Alzheimer’s Awareness day; Capitol dome in Jefferson City to shine purple tonight

By Brian Hauswirth
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Missouri’s Capitol dome in Jefferson City will shine purple Tuesday night, in recognition of Missouri Alzheimer’s Awareness day.

alzheimer's walk jefferson city
The color purple is the signature color of the Alzheimer’s Association (October 2022 file photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth at the Alzheimer’s Walk at Jefferson City’s Memorial park)

The Missouri Legislature has designated the second Tuesday in March Alzheimer’s Awareness day. Governor Mike Kehoe has ordered the Capitol dome to shine purple tonight. The governor has also proclaimed today as Alzheimer’s Awareness day.

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Finding a cure for Alzheimer’s was the theme at the October 2022 Alzheimer’s Walk at Jefferson City’s Memorial park (file photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth)

“By lighting the Missouri Capitol dome purple, we stand with those facing this disease, honor the families and caregivers who support them, and advocate for critical research to find a cure,” Governor Kehoe says, in a written statement.

The governor describes Alzheimer’s as a devastating disease that affects far too many Missouri families. Governor Kehoe’s proclamation says seven-million people in the United States ages 65 and older live with Alzheimer’s. The governor says that in Missouri, about 130,000 people ages 65 and older have Alzheimer’s.

The dome will remain lit purple until sunrise Wednesday.