UPDATE: American Red Cross/Mizzou Greek week blood drive in Columbia shatters goal

By Brian Hauswirth
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This week’s 34th annual Greek week blood drive at Mizzou shattered their goal and will help with mid-Missouri’s blood shortage.

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American Red Cross of Central and Northern Missouri executive director Rebecca Gordon (right) and Mizzou senior Lily Mattingly of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority visit at the start of Monday’s 34th annual Mizzou Greek Week blood drive at the Mizzou Student Rec complex (March 10, 2025 photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth)

The American Red Cross of Central and Northern Missouri tells 939 the Eagle that the three-day drive brought in 2,878 units of blood. Their goal was 860 units each day for a total of 2,580 units. They beat their goal by about 300 units. Red Cross of Central and Northern Missouri executive director Rebecca Gordon thanks Mizzou’s sororities and fraternities, the other college students who donated and the community.

Gordon notes they had to cancel some blood drives this winter due to snow and ice.