UPDATE: Boone County’s clerk projects 19 percent voter turnout on Tuesday

By Zimmer Communications
boone county clerk brianna lennon
Boone County clerk Brianna Lennon was at the Columbia Mall on March 26, 2023 to assist voters with absentee voting (file photo from 939 the Eagle’s Brian Hauswirth)

Boone County clerk Brianna Lennon is predicting a 19 percent voter turnout in Tuesday’s municipal and school board elections.

Polls are open tomorrow from 6 am until 7 pm, and you can also cast an absentee ballot today at the Boone County Government Center in downtown Columbia between 8 am and 5 pm. That’s at 9th and Ash. You’ll need to bring a photo ID with you to vote. That can include a Missouri driver’s license, a U.S. passport or a military ID.

County clerk Lennon also encourages you to check your address form before you vote. Clerk Lennon also reminds you that if you have a problem voting tomorrow, you should call (573) 886-4375 from your polling place.