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UPDATE: Stephens appointed CPD interim chief

Matt Stephens has been chosen to serve as CPD’s interim chief effective July 31 (photo courtesy of Columbia Police Facebook page)

A Columbia native who’s been serving as CPD’s assistant chief will become the interim chief on July 31.

The city manager announced Matt Stephens’ appointment this morning, in a Facebook post. Stephens, a Hickman graduate, has been serving as CPD’s assistant chief for the Special Services Bureau.

Current chief Geoff Jones will retire effective August 1.

Stephens has been with the department since 2005. He’s served as a patrol officer, sergeant and lieutenant. He’s also worked in the Organized Crime unit, traffic unit and criminal investigations division.

City manager De’Carlon Seewood says Stephens has proven his ability as an effective leader.

“I am thankful that Stephens has agreed to step into this role in this time of transition for the city of Columbia,” Mr. Seewood says, in a written statement.