Two former Missouri Department of Corrections employees face decades in federal prison for graphic child sex crimes

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A former Jefferson City Correctional Center (JCCC) officer and his wife will be heading to federal prison for the next 30 or 40 years, after admitting they videotaped their sexual assault of an unconscious four-year-old child.

Federal prosecutors say 35-year-old Paul Schofield and his wife, 30-year-old Sara Schofield of Jefferson City, have pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of conspiracy to produce child pornography and one count of producing child pornography. Sara Schofield also worked for the Missouri Department of Corrections until her arrest.

Federal prosecutors say Paul Schofield “was active in the child pornography trading community.” Authorities also say the FBI also found videos of infants being sexually assaulted on Paul’s phone.

The investigation started when law enforcement received a CyberTip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.