(AUDIO): Missouri’s governor describes I-70 plan as a once in a lifetime opportunity

By Zimmer Communications
parson greets lawmakers
parson greets lawmakers
Governor Mike Parson greets Missouri lawmakers on both sides of the aisle before his January 18, 2023 State of the State address (file photo courtesy of the governor’s Flickr page)

Missouri’s governor is touting his $859-million proposal to widen and rebuild I-70 across Missouri as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Columbia business leaders are backing Governor Mike Parson’s (R) plan, which would start start in Columbia, if state lawmakers approve it. The governor touted the proposal during a recent interview with 939 the Eagle News.

“And to be able to start that right here like you said in Columbia and do the major areas with the most use right now. It’s big. This is a plan, it’s not something we’ve just thrown on the table overnight. We’ve really thought this through to see how we can really complete this I-70 project and using general revenue to help do it,” Parson says.

Governor Parson says congestion, traffic crashes and delays have caused serious issues for I-70 motorists for years. The governor says Missouri can’t afford not to do this.

Meantime, the Columbia Chamber of Commerce is urging its approximately 1,000 members to contact state lawmakers to express their support for the governor’s I-70 plan. I-70 remains one of Missouri’s busiest highways, and Governor Parson says his plan would reduce traffic injuries and deaths.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So you know it’s important, I’ve stressed that to the legislators. You know this is a matter where we all come together and get it done. No matter which side of the aisle we’re on, we just need to get this done. And we go one shot at it, so let’s make it count,” Parson says.

The governor has requested an $859-million appropriation to widen and rebuild the I-70 corridor and to add a third lane in the Columbia, St. Louis and Kansas City areas.