City priorities and projects are a key component of Columbia city council retreat

By Zimmer Communications
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Columbia Mayor Barbara Buffaloe takes a selfie with Missouri Governor Mike Parson at the I-70 bill-signing ceremony in MACC’s Columbia parking on August 15, 2023 (file photo courtesy of the governor’s Flickr page)

Columbia’s mayor, council members, city manager De’Carlon Seewood and department directors are wrapping up their tw0-day retreat today at Camdenton’s Old Kinderhook.

They’re addressing numerous topics, including priorities for the council members and the city’s strategic plan. Columbia city council members are also spending time again today with each department director. The Oscar-winning 1991 movie “City Slickers” has also been discussed, where Jack Palance talks about the “one thing.” Each Columbia council member is going around the room today at Old Kinderhook to share the “one thing” they hope to see through to fruition in the next two years.

City manager Seewood is also playing a key role at the retreat: he’ll deliver his state of the city address on Thursday May 30 at noon. You’re invited to Mr. Seewood’s state of the city.