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High drama in Senate as Kavanaugh-Ford hearing nears

(AP) – The Senate Judiciary Committee is raising the curtain on what promises to be high drama – a hearing in which senators will listen to a woman accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her, then weigh his denial.

At stake is President Donald Trump’s second nomination to the high court.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation seemed assured until a California college professor, Christine Blasey Ford, accused the appeals court judge of attempting to rape her when they were high school teenagers. Kavanaugh has denied any sexual misconduct then or in college at Yale, though more women alleging sexual misconduct have come forward.

Kavanaugh defended himself this week in a TV interview. The hearing set to begin Thursday morning will be the first time the country sees and hears from Ford.

President Donald Trump has acknowledged that the accusations of sexual misconduct swirling around his Supreme Court nominee have a personal side for him.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault by a California college professor, and both are expected to testify Thursday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. At least two other women have alleged sexual misconduct by the appeals court judge.

Trump told reporters Wednesday that similar accusations of sexual misconduct against him have colored his views of the accusations against Kavanaugh and other men.

Trump has denied such allegations and told reporters Wednesday he’s been accused by “four or five women.” In fact, more than a dozen women came forward during the 2016 campaign to claim they were assaulted, groped or kissed without consent by Trump.

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