Jefferson City’s Truman Building is backdrop for today’s state employee pay raise bill-signing

parson and rep. brown pic
Missouri Governor Mike Parson (left) and State Rep. Richard Brown (D-Kansas City) speak at the governor’s mansion in Jefferson City on February 1, 2023 (file photo courtesy of the governor’s Flickr page)

Jefferson City’s approximately 14,000 state employees will soon see an increase in their pay.

Governor Mike Parson (R) will sign the bipartisan 8.7 percent pay raise for state employees into law today at 2 at Jefferson City’s Truman building. State employees are invited to attend the ceremony on the second floor atrium. Thousands of state employees work in that building.

Governor Parson says there are currently more than 7,000 open positions across state government, adding that the wage increase is the minimum that lawmakers must do.

The governor will also hold a ceremonial bill-signing tomorrow at 11:45 at the Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center (FRDC).

Governor Parson called for lawmakers to approve the plan during his January State of the State address. The governor has told 939 the Eagle that he’s “not asking for the moon,” adding that it’s critical to retain good state employees in areas like corrections, mental health and in the Children’s Division, which is part of the state Department of Social Services (DSS).